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Turn On The Movie

Minggu, 24 April 2011


In 1887, the powerful vampire Lilith is vanquished by a vampire council and four amulets avoid her return to the world of living. In the present days, the greedy Realtor Russel Bayne is pressing Alex Layton to sell her store of esoteric products to him. While driving back home, Russel stops his Ferrari to help a young woman that has troubles with her Volkswagen Beetle in a lonely road. However, they are attacked by a werewolf and Russel transforms into one a couple of nights later. Meanwhile, a vampire clan led by the evil Von Griem is retrieving the ancient amulets to bring Lilith back. When Von Griem’s minions try to abduct Russel, Alex helps him and Russel teams up with Jacob Van Helsing and his peer group to avoid the return of the devilish Lilith

Users: 3.8/10 (436 votes) 7 reviews | Critics: 5 reviews
Director:Griff Furst
Writer:Leigh Scott
Stars:Jeremy London, Christy Carlson Romano and Yancy Butler
Size: 320MB

Part 1 Part 2

2 komentar:

  1. I can barely wait to see that movie! Thanks for the review of the movie!

  2. Very informative, keep posting such good articles, it really helps to know about things.



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